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The Working Group on e-Government and PPPs: The Lapland Statement – Joint Issues Paper


Based on the need of public-private partnerships (PPPs) to implement e-Government initiatives in developed and developing countries. Lists five requisites for the pilot case: participation of beneficiaries in design and implementation, flexibility and improvisation, learning for improvement, utilizing and building local capacities, and competent leadership. Describes the necessities of an enabling environment regarding good governance, a legal and regulatory framework, public administration, competition and transparent market environment, and local needs and requirements. Also reviews various stakeholders’ roles including those of the government, private sector, civil society, and intergovernmental organizations (IGOs). Finally, makes statements regarding the needs and conditions of e-Government applications and network infrastructure regarding e-Learning, e-Finance/e-Banking, e-Identification, and e-Data gathering. Makes two conclusions: “The optimal enabling environment to develop e-Government services should recognize the importance of connectivity, affordability, availability, and security” and “Governments and businesses should work together to create a digital society with shared, interactive access to information” and offers recommendations accordingly.

The Broadband Commission for Digital Development
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MIT Political Science
MIT Political Science