The United States Space Force is increasing its investment in cybersecurity to address the growing threat posed by malicious actors targeting the country’s space-based assets. The Space Force’s budget request for fiscal year 2022 includes a $130 million allocation for cybersecurity, representing a significant increase from previous years. The funds will be used to strengthen the Space Force’s ability to detect, defend against, and respond to cyber attacks on its satellite and ground-based systems. The move reflects the increasing recognition of the importance of space-based capabilities to national security and the need to protect these assets from hostile actors. One example given was the use of Russian cyber attacks against Ukrainian defenses. Specifically, software in the military has been singled out as a weak point, and thus ground stations are at risk and this puts the cyber infrastructure of the Space Force in jeopardy. The Space Force’s investment in cybersecurity is also part of a broader effort to develop a more comprehensive approach to space defense, which includes both traditional military capabilities and new technologies such as artificial intelligence and machine learning.