With more expansive connectivity infrastructure involving the internet, countries must now assess and prepare for possible threats and security breaches. This article argues that the underlying impetus for developing a state’s cybersecurity policy and facility stems from their own cyber capacity rather than international relations-derived approaches. Geographically, the authors focus on the Global South as they analyze the “determinants of cross-national variation” and see what factors influence states’ cyber capacity policy. The suggestion of a transnational governance approach to cybersecurity policy aims at encouraging countries to work together and create a mutual level of protection and resilience, especially with countries whose rate of advancement for cyber capacity greatly exceeds that of their ability to secure critical infrastructure and adapt policy and practices. The researchers performed a study taking the ordinary least squares regression on a set of 193 UN member states to analyze the aforementioned variations. Rather than using deterrence-based logic, this article determines that increasing S&T knowledge and looking into transnational efforts will help countries achieve cyber readiness and better inform national strategies.