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Setting the Biden-era cybersecurity agenda


This article is about the potential ways that new President-Elect Joe Biden can strengthen the United States stance on cybersecurity. Based on an Aspen Cybersecurity Group report, there are 5 major areas that need improvement. It also says that cybersecurity is one of the few bipartisan issues, as evidenced by the Cyberspace Solarium Commission done during the Trump presidency. First, Biden should allocate funding to schools and businesses for learning and training to build a “culture of security”. Next, he should work to make a single interagency strategy, and form a new position that deals with foreign states on cybersecurity issues. Biden should also work to secure supply chains, particularly for IoT enabled devices. He should also set up a “Bureau of Cyber Statistics” in order to get better data, and to use that data to make better informed decisions about cybersecurity. Lastly, Biden should encourage collaboration at all levels of law enforcement, intelligence, and private corporations to fight and protect against

Zach Dorfman
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MIT Political Science
MIT Political Science