Moving the Encryption Policy Conversation Forward
The publication focuses on the complex issue of encryption and the challenges that encryption poses for law enforcement and national security, while also protecting individual privacy and security. The encryption working group authors this publication via various perspectives and concerns of stakeholders, including government agencies, technology companies, civil society, and academia. The publication argues that finding a balanced solution requires a comprehensive and collaborative approach that takes multiple dimensions into account, thereby urging policymakers and stakeholders to move the conversation forward through effective encryption policies that address the needs and interests of all parties involved. Specifically, the group’s goals in this publication are to promote a constructive debate, find areas of common ground, and create more effective ways to evaluate the societal impact of proposed approaches to permit law enforcement access to encrypted data. The publication focuses on mobile phone encryption and details a framework for decision-making based on core principles outlined in Stefan Savage’s paper, “Lawful Device Access Without Mass Surveillance Risk: A Technical Design Discussion.” The encryption working group’s consensus is that there is no one-size-fits all approach for lawful access requests, as different technologies and means of communication require different solutions. Thus, the debate must be broken down into its component parts to examine risks and benefits more closely through a constructive dialogue.