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Modernizing Cyber Defense for the U.S. Navy


Cmdr. Brandon Campbell and Capt. Christina Hicks examine recent advancements in the U.S. Navy’s ability to navigate and defend their cyberspace. While it has been well documented that the U.S. Navy has faced some difficulties in improving and defending their cyber capabilities while adversaries such as China have been continuing to expand cyber operations, the Navy Cyber Defense Operations Command has recently developed a new tool that would secure the Navy’s networks. This tool, Microsoft Defender for Endpoint (MDE), is an “advanced cloud-based endpoint detection and response tool” that would help change the way in which the Navy and the Department of Defense (DoD) conduct cyber operations. MDE has been able to “identify misconfigurations, detect multiple possible incidents, and help block thousands of potential malicious events”. MDE works by transforming endpoint devices such as servers, weapon systems, computers, and more into cloud-connected sensors that can provide Navy analysts with enhanced network and detection capabilities. The MDE also provides “access to critical messaging and collaboration tools through Microsoft’s Office 365 platform”. This secondary function is know as “Flank Speed”. MDE is an example of one of the many initiatives that continue to thrust the Navy’s advance in the cyber realm, allowing for the military’s cyber systems to remain defended anywhere in the world. Navy teams continue to work with the DoD to “help inform and guide cybersecurity and cyber defense modernization efforts across the department to achieve a highly secure, zero-trust environment.”

Brandon Campbell, Christina Hicks
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MIT Political Science
MIT Political Science