Global Cybersecurity: New Directions in Theory and Methods
This article aims at elucidating the difference in diverse cybersecurity issues, noting the lack of current methods to properly distinguish and comprehend the everchanging area that is cyberspace. One aspect brought up is the privatization of political power. The private sector continues to influence cybersecurity policy and influences the interpretation of cyber events. A “bottom-up” perspective of cybersecurity is offered to emphasize the interest trust necessary for general protection to work. Additionally, using STS fundamentals, analysis of cyberspace deepens the overall understanding of actors and space-time implications. The author also notes how inexperience and a lack of proper information can cause reactions that stem from fear, rather than practicing “ecological rationality.” We also see that building a state’s cyber capacity can help with research, understanding, and ultimately, making more informed cyber security protocols. Overall, this paper offered new theories and methods by which researchers may better understand the core problems and issues surrounding cybersecurity.