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The EU and NATO: Cyber-Security Partners or Divergent Actors? An Exercise in Framework Development


“With the continually evolving importance of cyber strategy in European affairs, multi-stakeholder organizations such the EU and NATO are struggling to articulate cyber-security initiatives to address a wide variety of needs and imperatives. This paper will assemble a framework with which to critically analyze and explore the emerging NATO and EU cyber-security dynamic by building bridges between regime complex theory and the Choucri & Clark layered model of cyber-space. In addition, “this paper proceed in three sections; the first will introduce the idea of “’information security management’ and argue it should be substituted for the term ‘cyber-security’. The second section will build connections between disparate treatments of regime complex theory to integrate the discussion of EU/NATO security overlap with cyber-security. The third section will propose the usage Choucri and Clark’s layered model of cyber-space to systematically analyze facets EU/NATO cyber-security dynamics across several levels of analysis.”

Tarun Chaudhary
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MIT Political Science
MIT Political Science