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EMaintenance in Railways: Issues and Challenges in Cybersecurity


Railways have started using eMaintenance to automate the diagnostics and
maintenance of infrastructure. These eMaintenance tools rely often on internet
connectivity, which makes the security of these tools a concern for these tools
to be reliable. These numerous Internet of Things devices generate large amount
of data that must be kept reliable and secure so that maintenance decisions are
made correctly.

Examining cyber security attacks on transportation infrastructure, malware has
been the most common attack strategy. However, more than a third of the attacks
looked at were of undisclosed nature to protect reputation.

The most effective strategy we have to protect rail infrastructure from cyber
attacks is to educate the workforce. Additionally, spending more money on
cybersecurity, assisting with awareness, and stronger laws regarding
cybersecurity transport could help improve security. In addition to addressing
malware, authentication systems could be improved as well as defences against
DDoS attacks. Rail companies should also organize and communicate about about
cybersecurity events and strategies. There are many ways in which eMaintenance
can help railways, but they must keep their systems secure as they build them,
and prioritize cybersecurity training and practices to keep their systems

Kour, Ravdeep, et al.
Domain: ,
Data Type:
MIT Political Science
MIT Political Science