This article serves as an executive summary from the US Department of Defense about the establishment of its newest task force, Task Force Lima, which will be focused on “leading the charge” for generative AI. This directive creates a new precedent in the United States for the militarization of generative AI. This article from the US DoD explains the formation of the new task force, its focus on generative AI, and its applications to the field of defense and national strategy. Such applications include generating training data, creating war simulations, and providing more detailed analysis to assist decision-making. In addition, the article emphasizes the importance of AI in modern warfare and the essential nature of AI in maintaining military power (or superiority) in the global domain. Lastly, the article portrays the establishment of generative AI as playing a part in the larger goal of using emerging technology for defense purposes in the United States It can be expected that there will be shifts in the international domain when it comes to the ways in which different states will utilize generative AI to its benefit.