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DHS cyber chief out after debunking Trump’s election claims


Article relating to former president Trump’s firing of the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) director Cristopher Krebs. The firing came as a result of Krebs certification that the 2020 election results were highly accurate with respect to cybersecurity, which disagrees with Trump’s statement of “There were massive improprieties and fraud.” Krebs was among the few of Trump’s appointees that had bipartisan support. Krebs’s legacy will be the increase in the amount of election security that came as a result of the large amount of foriegn influence in the 2016 election. Krebs’s team focused primarily on fake news and misinformation, and supplied free cybersecurity services and formed an information sharing group for all 50 states and many local jurisdictions. Other than election security, Krebs’s primary threat while in office has been the massive rise of ransomware affecting businesses, hospitals, and local municipalities. CISA has also worked to ensure security in industrial settings like for control systems in major infrastructure like power and telecommunications.

Eric Geller
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MIT Political Science
MIT Political Science