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Determining the Impact of Cybersecurity Failures During and Attributable to Pandemics and Other Emergency Situations


As discussed in the course, one of the main goals of cyberattack can be to trigger system failures. This article discusses how when there are certain emergency situations like when the Covid-19 pandemic induced a global shutdown, the impact of cyberattacks may be less considered. “ This discussion is facilitated by a simulation tool, the Disaster Vulnerability Threat and Impact Simulator System (DVTISS). DVTISS simulates the network structure, security measures, user characteristics and demographics, data, and devices of an organization or region’s computing infrastructure. The system is provided input parameters and performs analysis to identify the combined results of numerous different decisions, which are made in concert, to identify the types of vulnerabilities that may be present and the impact of their exploitation.” As such, organizational responses are extremely crucial. Just because issues are less pressing at the time, does not mean they should be ignored.

Maria Clare Lusardi, Isaac Dubovoy, Jeremy Straub
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MIT Political Science
MIT Political Science