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Cybersecurity threats from online gaming


The gaming industry is huge: it generated a revenue of over $227 billion in 2022. However, there has also been a rise in cyber attacks in the gaming sector too, particularly in the form of DDoS attacks. Some highly classified documents were leaked on a Minecraft Discord server, and the data on these documents later spread onto social media. Micro-transactions and the virtual economy of of games can enable money launderers to flourish. These transactions can be especially hard to monitor and effectively track. There are a plethora of ways that the gaming industry can be vulnerable to cyber criminals, and there is an increased need to not only find effective rules and regulations against them but find ways to prevent malicious activities. Governments and policy makers need to pay more attention to this industry to ensure that it continues to grow in a safe and responsible manner.

Prateek Tripathi
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MIT Political Science
MIT Political Science