The Cyber Incident Reporting for Critical Infrastructure Act (CIRCIA) was signed by President Biden in 2022, which created new rules and regulations for the US cybersecurity space. The authors explain the impact of CIRCIA along with predictions on future changes both legally and in what will become the norm in cybersecurity. CIRCIA forces public entities to report cybersecurity attacks in a timely manner. This allows the public to see an accurate representation of illegal attacks that might affect them. Previously there were an immense amount of attacks that went undiscovered due to a lack of reporting known attacks. The authors predict that the importance of cybersecurity will be increased within companies due to the fact that a high frequency of reported attacks, which are now mandatory, would worsen the public’s view of the companies. Therefore, “a larger framework for cyberincident readiness, response, and remediation” may be implemented (Bailey, Greis, Watters, Welle).
Tucker Bailey, Justin Greis, Matt Watters, and Josh Welle