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Cybersecurity of Healthcare IoT-Based Systems: Regulation and Case-Oriented Assessment


Internet of Things (IoT) in the field of healthcare focuses on the networked healthcare and medical architectures. IoT in general is an exponentially growing technology through the world. It is thought to possible lead a scientific revolution within the connection between IT and medical fields. In general, networked healthcare and medical devices raise four main issues: random failures, privacy, deliberate disruption, and malware disruption.

Currently, IoT devices are used to monitor patient treatment every day. Any cybersecurity issues could be devastating and even lead to death of patients. The current average healthcare IoT infrastructure consists of the cloud, a patient’s device, medical or healthcare providers, and communication channels between these different elements.

As mentioned before, the technology in the healthcare field has advanced greatly in recent years. However, whenever any changes are made, especially in regards to medical devices, such as embedded software, more time and resources is actually needed to get FDA approval and this leaves vulnerabilities open longer than normal. This is especially true of cloud-based healthcare services. While they allow for a large database of information that easily be edited or added upon, it is vulnerable to more attacks as it is relatively newly integrated.

Medvediev, Ivan Illiashenko, Oleg Uzun, Dmytro Strielkina, Anastasiia
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MIT Political Science
MIT Political Science