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Cybercrime and Artificial Intelligence. An overview of the work of international organizations on criminal justice and the international applicable instruments


This paper carefully checks if the world’s laws are good enough for the problems that cybercrime causes in artificial intelligence times. It studies how world groups are changing their policies to deal with cybercrime laws. The document shows that AI is becoming more important for criminals, especially when they make fake videos and use new AI methods. Also, it examines deeply how AI changes the way we manage criminal justice, showing the difficulties and good points for stopping cybercrime. In the end, the paper suggests changes to policies to fight cybercrime caused by AI better, to make the online world safer. It goes on to detail specific policy recommendations, advocating for international cooperation and the development of standardized AI security protocols. It argues for enhanced transparency in AI research and deployment, and for the establishment of a global watchdog to monitor and enforce the ethical use of AI technologies in both public and private sectors. The document also suggests a comprehensive education and training program to equip law enforcement and judicial systems worldwide with the knowledge and tools needed to effectively combat AI-assisted crimes. These additional measures are presented as crucial steps toward preempting the escalation of AI-powered cyber threats and securing digital infrastructures globally.

Cristos Velasco
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MIT Political Science
MIT Political Science