Broadband: A Platform for Progress
A follow-up to the Broadband Commission’s first report, “A 2010 Leadership Imperative: Towards a Future Built on Broadband”, to further inform governments and industry on why broadband is essential in today’s world. Considers broadband access to the Internet the primary ICT tool to fight modern challenges such as poverty, climate change, and rising populations. Includes statistical tables, informational charts, and technical strategies for establishing broadband networks for all. Offers quantitative and qualitative indicators for defining broadband and a global and regional snapshot of the status of broadband. Displays broadband as a vital component of supporting e-health and problems in developing countries. Supports an inclusive knowledge society, determining four key principles as: freedom of expression, universal access to information and knowledge, respect for cultural and linguistic diversity, and quality education for all. Considers the possible future benefits of broadband in cloud computing, e-commerce, e-payments and e-banking, m-commerce, m-payments, m-banking, e-government, e-health, e-education, e-science, smart grids, smart buildings, environmental monitoring and emergency response, and climate change. Assesses the status of infrastructure for broadband and examples of national policy and infrastructure deployment in 11 different countries. Analyzes key issues in promoting broadband in developing countries and makes policy recommendations for network investment incentives, industry regulation, broadband licensing, optimizing the use of radio-frequency spectrum, promoting open networks, infrastructure sharing and open access, and universal broadband access.