While the major media sites have largely focused on various arms going to Ukraine, and the possible escalation this may cause, possibly the most dynamic domain in the Putin dubbed “proxy war” between Russia and the West. In February 2022, Biden was given the option to launch various cyber attacks against Russia. While it does not seem that the U.S. has launched any catastrophic attacks against Russia in retaliation to the Viasat attack, the cyber realm remains a flashpoint for conflict between the two powers. The reason for this is the unprecedented access between countries, as well as the anonymity afforded by the internet. Every country believes (likely for good reason), that their adversaries are deeply ingrained in any number of their infrastructure’s points of failure. This potential for destruction and overall worry about damage from cyber attacks, especially after Russia attacked Viasat at the beginning of the war brings the cyber realm as a very dynamic domain of warfare in this so-called “proxy war” between Russia and the West. https://warontherocks.com/2022/07/assess-russias-cyber-performance-without-repeating-its-past-mistakes/