4 Things You Need to Know About Health Care Cyberattacks
The recent cyberattack on Change Healthcare, a major player in the U.S. healthcare system, has exposed the industry’s glaring vulnerabilities to digital threats. Despite the growing frequency and severity of attacks, many hospitals and medical practices remain woefully unprepared, lacking the resources and expertise to bolster their defenses. The regulatory landscape is also fragmented and outdated, with no mandatory technical standards or comprehensive oversight. As the stakes continue to rise, with patient safety and sensitive data on the line, the government is beginning to take notice. The Biden administration is calling for stricter rules and substantial funding to help the industry modernize its systems, but it remains to be seen whether Congress will step up to the plate. In the meantime, healthcare providers are left to grapple with the difficult choice between investing in patient care or cybersecurity, leaving the nation’s critical infrastructure at risk.