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Why Software Is So Bad


The article talks about the code quality and how it is perceived to degrade over time. The reasons for this include the change in the profile of the programmer, while in the past it was created by a scientist and carefully crafted, today it became more accepted to have a half-baked solution. It is also harder to interpolate with software solution than with other engineering fields, i.e. a bridge holding 500kg and 50000kg does not mean that it will hold something in between in the software. Another reason for lower quality of code is the constant demand for new features where programmers are hurrying too much. This creates the problems where more than majority of the resources are allocated to fixing bugs and maintaining code. From me, I can also add that code quality is another problems because of software and internet’s generativity which can speed up the overall deterioration of code quality.

Charles C. Mann
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MIT Political Science
MIT Political Science