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How brands can and should be using proximity data


Nowadays it is common to see apps ask for permission to get access to your location. This data that is kept by these apps are used in many ways, one being in marketing. This article works to highlight the power of proximity data more specifically its power in the branding world. Brands are using location services and their own personal device inorder to connect to consumers. By using their location data brands can study their behavior and tailor to their preferences in their marketing and enhance their strategies and campaigns. Beacon technology which is a system that uses Bluetooth technology inorder to communicate with signals. Barneys is one that uses this tool inorder to connect to shoppers and tailor their recommendations to a store’s location nearby. This way brands can track stuff like foot traffic and clicks on people’s personal shopping preference inorder to gain insight into trends of its consumers. Working to maximize the potential of proximity data and how brands can build connections with its customers.

Thomas Walle
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MIT Political Science
MIT Political Science